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Customer Reviews
Sharpening your plane blade is the most important skill for a handtool woodworker. I have taught thousands of students my freehand (no jig needed) sharpening method which enables you to sharpen your blade in 30 seconds and get right back to work. Once you develop the muscle memory to feel the correct angle to hold the blade you will be able to hand sharpen like a professional. My angle trainer will help you quickly develop that muscle memory.
The biggest advantage of my trainer is that you hold the blade the same way you would if you were free hand sharpening. The angle trainer slips underneath the blade to provide that bit of confidence needed in the learning phase.
Uses powerful rare earth magnets to securely hold the blade to the trainer at the proper angle.
Designed to work with blades that have a 25 degree primary bevel (which is almost all hand plane blades)
Has a 29 degree face for honing the secondary bevel.
Has a 31 degree face for honing the tertiary bevel.
Made of a hard wearing composite material called Swanstone that easily slides on your diamond or water stone.
Once you develop your muscle memory you no longer need the angle trainer.
Size: 3/4" wide x 3" long x 1" high.