Full Description
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We make hundreds of Rob Cosman's Mallets and even though we are really good at it, sometimes things happen. Every now and then we create a second.
This can be great news to you! It's a way to purchase a Rob Cosman Mallet at a discount.
There are two issues that can cause a mallet to be a second: 1) A cosmetic blemish or 2) it does not meet our minimum weight standard to be sold as a "First".
The pictures on this page show a representative sample of the typical cosmetic flaws that make a mallet a second.
For weight, a "First" regular mallet must have a minimum weight of 375 grams. Anything less and it is a second. Our seconds cause by a weight issue will range from 374 grams to 275 grams
If we are out of stock, just keep checking back, maybe there is mallet second in your future!!
Please see Rob Cosman's Mallet product page for all the details about this type tool.